Scholarships for September 2017
DMU is offering more than £1.5 million in scholarships and discounts for international students joining us in September 2017.
1. China Excellence Scholarship
10 excellence scholarships of £5,000 for students applying from China. Academic IELTS certificate of 6.5 or above valid for September 2017 entry is required. You must also send a scholarship reference from your institution and achieve at least one of the following:
- Academic transcript 85% or above
- GPA score of 3.5 or above
- BTEC 10D and pass in all areas
Applicants meeting the above requirements will be considered for a scholarship on the basis of a 500 word statement.
Please note that applicants may only be awarded one scholarship or discount.
学校针对中国留学生提供10项优秀奖学金,每项奖学金总额为5,000 英镑。申请该奖学金,雅思成绩要求在6.5或以上(有效其限至2017年9月)。同时,必须发送奖学金推荐信,推荐信由你所在的机构写,并且至少必须提供以下任意文件或成绩:
(4)英国国家教育文凭10D ,通过所有领域考试。
2.China Merit Scholarship
20 merit scholarships of £2,500 for students applying from China. Applicants must hold an Academic IELTS certificate valid for September 2017 entry that meets the direct entry requirements for their course. You must also send a scholarship reference from your institution and achieve at least one of the following:
- Academic transcript 80% or above
- GPA score of 3.3 or above
- BTEC 6D and pass in all areas
Applicants meeting the above requirements will be considered for a scholarship on the basis of a 500 word statement.
Please note that applicants may only be awarded one scholarship or discount.
学校针对中国留学生提供25项优质奖学金,每项奖学金总额为2,500 英镑。申请人必须持有学术雅思证书(有效其限至2017年9月),必须符合相关课程的直接入学要求。同时,必须发送奖学金推荐信,推荐信由你所在的机构写,并且至少必须提供以下任意文件或成绩:
(4)英国国家教育文凭 6D ,通过所有领域考试。
3.China Scholarship
A limited number of £1,000 China Scholarships are available to students applying from China on a first-come, first-served basis upon payment of a £3,000 tuition fee deposit. You must achieve at least one of the following:
- Academic transcript 78% or above
- GPA score of 3.0 or above
- SQA HND one unit A
- BTEC 4D and pass in all areas
- Meet English Language requirements (does not apply to students requiring pre-sessional English study)
中国留学生奖学金名额有限,每项奖学金数额为1,000 英镑,按先到先得的原则发放,在支付3,000 英镑学费定金之后发放。必须提供以下任意文件或成绩
(3)SQA HND one unit A
(4)英国国家教育文凭 4D,通过所有领域考试;
4.Love International Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded automatically to eligible students; a scholarship application is not required.
Please note that applicants may only be awarded one scholarship or discount.
Awarded to students applying from China on a first-come, first-served basis, upon payment of a £3,000 tuition fee deposit by 30th April.
该奖学金发放给中国留学生,按先到先得的原则发放,在支付3,000 英镑的学费定金之后发放。支付定金的截止日期为4月30日。
5.China Discount
Awarded to students applying from China on a first-come, first-served basis, upon payment of a £3,000 tuition fee deposit by 15th June.
Please note that applicants may only be awarded one scholarship or discount.
发放给中国留学生,按先到先得的原则发放,在支付3,000 英镑的学费定金之后发放。支付定金的截止日期为6月15日。
De Montfort University international scholarships and discounts September 2017: Terms and conditions
1. International scholarships and discounts are only available to students who are assessed by DMU as having overseas international student status, and who pay overseas international rate tuition fees.
2. Applicants to DMU are eligible to be considered for a scholarship or discount based on their country of residence, i.e. where they are living at the time of application. For example, a first-time international applicant to DMU living in the UK at the time of application would be considered for a UK Domicile discount only, regardless of his or her nationality. Decisions made by the DMU International Office regarding eligibility for all discounts and scholarships are final.
3. A limited number of scholarships and discounts are available in each market. Discounts will be applied on a first-come-first-served basis to applicants who pay a £3,000 tuition fee deposit to DMU. A deposit can be paid at any time after an applicant has been assigned an application reference number. Scholarships will be awarded on merit.
4. Scholarships and discounts may be awarded to students studying on selected full-time undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught at the DMU Leicester Campus only. Course exclusions apply as stated in this document. Please contact DMU if you are unsure.
5. Only students studying on site at the DMU Leicester campus on full-time courses are eligible for scholarships and discounts. Awards will not be applied to students studying on part-time and distance learning courses or courses with fees lower than the lowest standard international fee, currently £12,250.
(3)每个市场都有一定数量的奖学金名额和打折。打折将按先到先得的原则发放给申请人,前提是申请人先向 德蒙特福德大学支付3,000 英镑的学费定金。申请人在拿到申请代码之后,可以随时支付定金。奖学金将根据学术成绩发放。
6. International Year Zero, International First Year and International Incorporated Master’s applicants are not eligible for De Montfort University discounts or scholarships, but can apply for Leicester International Pathway College awards.
7. Discounts are not available to students progressing from International Year Zero, International First Year and International Incorporated Master’s courses to De Montfort University courses. However, progressing students can apply for merit-based scholarships if they meet the eligibility criteria.
8. If a an applicant meets all eligibility criteria stated in these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions for residence in a particular country and pays a £3,000 deposit, DMU may award the discount to the applicant.
9. When a discount is no longer available, the international scholarships and discounts webpages will be updated accordingly. Discounts will not be awarded to applicants who pay a deposit after the point that the website is updated with information stating that no further discounts are available.
10. We strongly advise all applicants to check the international scholarships and discounts webpages carefully before making a deposit payment.
(6)申请 International Year Zero、International First Year 和国际合并硕士的学生不能享受德蒙特福德大学莱斯特校区的打折和奖学金,但可以申请莱斯特国际捷径学院奖学金。
(7)打折不适用于从 International Year Zero、International First Year 和国际合并硕士课程升入德蒙特福德大学课程的学生。升学的学生如果符合资格标准,可以申请优质奖学金。
(8)如果申请人符合这些条件和条件中所陈述的所有资格,符合特定国家居住条件,并且支付3,000 英镑定金,德蒙特福德大学可以为其发放学费打折。
11. Scholarships and discounts will be applied to tuition fees at the point of enrolment unless otherwise stated on the relevant pages of the DMU website. Scholarship recipients will be notified by email within three weeks of the scholarship application closing date unless otherwise stated. Students awarded scholarships and discounts will have their awards applied automatically when they enrol.
12. All international scholarships and discounts are valid only for students entering the university in September-November 2017. Awards cannot be deferred by the applicant until a subsequent entry point.
13. Students receiving a scholarship or discount will not be eligible for any additional award unless stated otherwise on the September 2017 scholarships and discounts webpages. If a student is eligible for more than one scholarship or discount, he or she will receive the higher value award only.
14. The value of the scholarship or discount will be deducted from tuition fees for the first year of study only. The award will not be applied in subsequent years of study including repeated first year.
15. Unless otherwise stated, no cash alternatives will be offered. Awards cannot be transferred to another recipient.
16. Only self-funded students are eligible for scholarships and discounts. Students in receipt of any type of sponsorship will not be eligible.
17. DMU reserves the right to cancel any award which has been claimed fraudulently including on the basis of deliberate provision of false information to claim the award, and to apply the full tuition fee. If a cash award is found to have been claimed fraudulently, the award amount will be added to the student’s university account and must be paid in full before the end of the student’s course.
18. Where a student terminates or interrupts their studies prior to the completion of their course, both the tuition fees and award will be pro-rated, based on the student’s last date of attendance.
19. Recipients of a scholarship or discount must have no outstanding debt to the university.